WAG session registration and evaluation / Declaration et enegistrement de session WAG
This form complies with the "User Commitment" document and is required to register and evaluate any session using WAG or any of its derivative.
// Formulaire de déclaration et d"évaluation de session WAG associé à la convention d'usage
cf http:/watagame.info and contact@watagame.info
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Email *
Name / Nom *
First name / Prénom *
Country / Pays
Session Date
Location / lieu
Host institution
Institution d'accueil
Session Country / Pays
URL location / Geotag / Google Marker
Insert any URL or link to the place or a Google Marker or map or a GeoTag
Objectives / objectifs *
You can tick different goals / plusieurs possibles
Duration / durée
Specify session duration in hours / days /// en heures / jours
Nb of participants *
Including animators and players /// y compris animateurs et joueurs
Participants typology
Typologie des participants
Nb of tables / groups
Nb de groupes ou tables
WAG version used *
Version utilisée
Target area / basin
Specify origin of fund for the animation and organization
URL announcement
URL of any site presenting the session
Comments, others
Ex-ante Questionaire ? *
Have you passed a questionnaire to participants before the session?
URL of ex-ante results
Ex-post questionnaire? *
Have you passed a questionnaire to participants after the session?
URL of ex-post results
Observer? *
Was there an external observer, non animating?
Observer report URL / link
Indicators *
Please fill indicators based on the evaluations and / or debrieffing of the session
Absolutely not
Not so much
Yes, somehow
Absolutely yes
No Answer / don't know
As an animator / organizer, I'm satisfied
Was easy to prepare
Was easy to animate / lead
Participants enjoyed the session
There is / will be an outcome or followup
Participants have learnt about water systems and dynamics
Participants have learnt about each other and stakeholders
Participants have learnt about policy and management
Participants have discussed - Dialogue took place
Participants have proposed new options, solutions, strategies
Participants have built their own model of situation
I will reuse the WAG toolkit or this WAG game
We had to include new or custom elements
Rules or manuals were clear
Participants have argued strongly. Controversy appeared.
Summary of the game session
Describe shortly the different steps, duration of each, key events, used scenario, crucial actions or interventions by players
Surprises, unexpected events / processes, innovations
Changes to the initial plan / organization
General comments
Pictures URL
Give URL (link) to at least one picture (can use Picasa, Flickr, etc), more pictures or movies welcome
What was good ?
What was bad ?
Main outcome?
Next step?
Comments or proposals for the WAG toolkit
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